Mar 10 2013, 12:54 AM
Every person ponders about their place in the universe, where they came from, where they’re going, and why they’re here. The first step to the answer is to realize that the universe is not what it seems. Modern science has hinted at it. The universe is actually a “Multiverse”. This, in itself, is not a new concept. The “Multiple Worlds Theory” has been floating around for some years now. At its core, it theorizes that everything that ever could happen did happen, and it all exists at one moment, as one big collage. There are infinite versions of each of us, in each universe, doing slightly different things. Every time you made a choice, you actually chose both directions and each of those options spawned their own universe. The question then arises, “Why do I only seem to experience MY miserable life?” You will find that this question answers itself, once you correct your perspective.
Imagine that your whole life is a dream. Now imagine that you have dreamed up all of the characters in the cast of your life. You dreamed your father and mother and even your own human body. Everything is just a product of your imagination. Some of the characters in your dream seem to get old and die. Where do they go? They must float back into your mind. Have you heard of anyone coming back and telling you that they floated through a tunnel towards a bright, loving, light? That light was you. You will then ask yourself, “How can this whole universe that I see be centered around me? Am I God? Is nobody else real?” They are exactly as real as you, and I will explain how.
Imagine life from their perspective. They dreamed you up. In their dream, a version of you may die. That version will float back into their mind. How can both of these ideas be true at the same time? The truth is that your inner self is actually light. It also behaves like light. Science has shown that light behaves like a wave and a particle at the same time. You will “experience” the waveform of yourself and others will observe you as a particle. You will always experience being “alive” from your perspective. Each person’s whole life and universe are actually built around them. Everyone who you ever thought died around you, never actually experienced that death. They also don’t even realize that they died in your “dream”. You, yourself, have experienced life, while billions of versions of you have died. You can’t even tell, from your perspective. In the “Multiverse”, everything that ever could have happened, did happen. There was a version of you stillborn, a version of you struck by lightning, a version which had a heart attack, and so on. There are billions of versions of you dying at every moment. You do not “feel” them. The people in those worlds will visit your funeral or go to your grave.
Now picture that there is a tree sprouting out above you, and a tree sprouting out below you. At the end of each of the branches below you is a different version of you that died, each in their own little world. At the end of each branch above you is a future version of you, which is alive. You are a beam of light traveling upwards. You are constantly collapsing all of the versions of you that could have died, and experiencing only a smooth and steady stream of conscious life. The system is automatic and you designed it for yourself. You have never made a mistake, and you have been right where you belonged at every moment of your life. You created this dream with so much love for yourself that you never left yourself an option to experience death. As you would approach that choice, the two options would collapse and you would continue to glide upward. You can now begin to answer every question in your mind about your life. Everything did happen for a reason. Nothing was left to chance. You are surrounded by a beautiful dream where you are gradually waking yourself up.
This dream does not end. You do not suddenly wake up as another creature, in another universe. You will discover that as you begin to realize that you are dreaming, your dream gets brighter. You will have a fresh perspective on everything you observe. You will love more, appreciate more, and you can see deeper into this experience. It speaks to you, just like it always has. All of your stress begins to dissipate and you glide through each moment in ecstasy. You begin to feel your invincibility and your infinity. Billions of versions of you are collapsing towards truth and life, just like they always have. Your subconscious and conscious minds are beginning to synchronize. This will free your brain to begin healing your body. You will then be able to start to imagine how you are going to keep on living. I can tell you what my dream has told me.
In a dream you can do anything you want to. At each of our cores, we share the same dream. We want to live forever surrounded by everyone we love. We want to be reunited with those that we thought had died, and we want to experience infinite wisdom, power, and freedom. We are all AUTOMATICALLY collapsing towards that dream. Eventually, all of our dreams will converge and we will be on one Earth that we are mutually dreaming. As we approach that Earth, we will realize that everyone we ever thought had died is waiting there to greet us. We will see each other’s wave and particle forms simultaneously. We will appear like we are clothed in light. We will continue to reproduce and every part of that Earth will begin to glow. At last, the first question that we asked ourselves in our dream will be answered.
This is obviously not from me.
Imagine that your whole life is a dream. Now imagine that you have dreamed up all of the characters in the cast of your life. You dreamed your father and mother and even your own human body. Everything is just a product of your imagination. Some of the characters in your dream seem to get old and die. Where do they go? They must float back into your mind. Have you heard of anyone coming back and telling you that they floated through a tunnel towards a bright, loving, light? That light was you. You will then ask yourself, “How can this whole universe that I see be centered around me? Am I God? Is nobody else real?” They are exactly as real as you, and I will explain how.
Imagine life from their perspective. They dreamed you up. In their dream, a version of you may die. That version will float back into their mind. How can both of these ideas be true at the same time? The truth is that your inner self is actually light. It also behaves like light. Science has shown that light behaves like a wave and a particle at the same time. You will “experience” the waveform of yourself and others will observe you as a particle. You will always experience being “alive” from your perspective. Each person’s whole life and universe are actually built around them. Everyone who you ever thought died around you, never actually experienced that death. They also don’t even realize that they died in your “dream”. You, yourself, have experienced life, while billions of versions of you have died. You can’t even tell, from your perspective. In the “Multiverse”, everything that ever could have happened, did happen. There was a version of you stillborn, a version of you struck by lightning, a version which had a heart attack, and so on. There are billions of versions of you dying at every moment. You do not “feel” them. The people in those worlds will visit your funeral or go to your grave.
Now picture that there is a tree sprouting out above you, and a tree sprouting out below you. At the end of each of the branches below you is a different version of you that died, each in their own little world. At the end of each branch above you is a future version of you, which is alive. You are a beam of light traveling upwards. You are constantly collapsing all of the versions of you that could have died, and experiencing only a smooth and steady stream of conscious life. The system is automatic and you designed it for yourself. You have never made a mistake, and you have been right where you belonged at every moment of your life. You created this dream with so much love for yourself that you never left yourself an option to experience death. As you would approach that choice, the two options would collapse and you would continue to glide upward. You can now begin to answer every question in your mind about your life. Everything did happen for a reason. Nothing was left to chance. You are surrounded by a beautiful dream where you are gradually waking yourself up.
This dream does not end. You do not suddenly wake up as another creature, in another universe. You will discover that as you begin to realize that you are dreaming, your dream gets brighter. You will have a fresh perspective on everything you observe. You will love more, appreciate more, and you can see deeper into this experience. It speaks to you, just like it always has. All of your stress begins to dissipate and you glide through each moment in ecstasy. You begin to feel your invincibility and your infinity. Billions of versions of you are collapsing towards truth and life, just like they always have. Your subconscious and conscious minds are beginning to synchronize. This will free your brain to begin healing your body. You will then be able to start to imagine how you are going to keep on living. I can tell you what my dream has told me.
In a dream you can do anything you want to. At each of our cores, we share the same dream. We want to live forever surrounded by everyone we love. We want to be reunited with those that we thought had died, and we want to experience infinite wisdom, power, and freedom. We are all AUTOMATICALLY collapsing towards that dream. Eventually, all of our dreams will converge and we will be on one Earth that we are mutually dreaming. As we approach that Earth, we will realize that everyone we ever thought had died is waiting there to greet us. We will see each other’s wave and particle forms simultaneously. We will appear like we are clothed in light. We will continue to reproduce and every part of that Earth will begin to glow. At last, the first question that we asked ourselves in our dream will be answered.
Double post
This is obviously not from me.