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Full Version: About PRoKiLLer
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hi guys my real name is Josh Contreras AKA "Prokiller" im 18 years old i live in the Philippines . My favorite thing to do is playing basketball and play games all the time i have many successfull things in my life and im very confident and always happy.Im always playing at War lords on their minigames server so see you guys there if you want to play with me see ya Big Grin
Welcome to the forums! Glad to see a new face register here!
cucubelu, post: 88706, member: 15378 Wrote:Welcome to the forums! Glad to see a new face register here!
thank you for welcoming me i really appreciate it
Welcome to WarLords.
Welcome to The Forums My Bro Smile
Hey Pro, welcome on forums! Smile
Hey dude ive seen you on mini games quite a lot and welcome
hey mate welcome to war-lords Big Grin
Ello moto. I believe someone else that plays here uses the same avatar that you use on steam.

btw, manky used to have that avatar before.