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Full Version: Cyber Attack kills dat net
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Awggh, this cyber attack that i heard about is probably why my ping is hitting 500+ms since i heard about it. Like, this morning, hit 200 then just a random spike went to 500+. Until the internet gets straightened out, i cannot join on wL to assist other players, Sad.

Sako, post: 89026, member: 15289 Wrote:Awggh, this cyber attack that i heard about is probably why my ping is hitting 500+ms since i heard about it. Like, this morning, hit 200 then just a random spike went to 500+. Until the internet gets straightened out, i cannot join on wL to assist other players, Sad.

That was days ago. Everything should be normal now.

Check with your ISP!
cucubelu, post: 89027, member: 15378 Wrote:That was days ago. Everything should be normal now.

Check with your ISP!
Alright, i'll go around and see, thanks =^_^=