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Pages: 1 2
hi. i miss you.
School kidnapped me its ok, I am back.
NoBoss, post: 89077, member: 11847 Wrote:School kidnapped me its ok, I am back.
You mean runescape right?
Oh Hello I Played With You Once In Mg_jacs Multigames U were Afraid When A guy Was Pointing Gun At you But HE didn't Killed u (I dont Know Why) But U Killed him
Hey, Tina long time no see
Neo//._., post: 89086, member: 14824 Wrote:You mean runescape right?
|Cam|Per, post: 89091, member: 16797 Wrote:Oh Hello I Played With You Once In Mg_jacs Multigames U were Afraid When A guy Was Pointing Gun At you But HE didn't Killed u (I dont Know Why) But U Killed him
hey camper ur memory power is so good......u remember this.....u also remember chloe's incident about his bf.......how many things more u remember?
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