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Full Version: Guess the map and location.
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_RemiX, post: 89318, member: 3519 Wrote:Look at that fps. I'm jelly.
[Image: 2uqd36v.png]
I can go to like 800-900 with fps_max 900 lol
Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep, post: 89334, member: 4142 Wrote:I can go to like 800-900 with fps_max 900 lol
Why did you dumb down graphics so much gangster?
Moriarty, post: 89336, member: 9168 Wrote:Why did you dumb down graphics so much gangster?
[Image: 295y5jc.png]
everything ultra now. I just lower everything ( feels like everything looks cleaner on lowest gfx lol )
FAKE ^^^
Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep, post: 89337, member: 4142 Wrote:[Image: 295y5jc.png]
everything ultra now. I just lower everything ( feels like everything looks cleaner on lowest gfx lol )
Nice interp. Not jelly.
ahhh the 100 interp. back when i was a wee lad...
and anything more than 60 fps wont make a difference if ur on an lcd
Riser, post: 89356, member: 992 Wrote:lerp*
and anything more than 60 fps wont make a difference if ur on an lcd

regardless, have you tried playing on 200fps or more? totally different compared to playing on a 60fps laptop. I've been there.
Yeah I had my lerp changed on my old laptop but I forgot to do it on this new PC :p.
[Image: 8zVgXJc.jpg]

alright should be easy. I wished I had .noclip on. Map and Location.
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