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What crosshair do you use? Post up 'dem screenshots.

Too lazy to find thread but Thavs said someone's crosshairs sucked. I use this and have been using it for the 8~ish months?

[Image: 90DDE12AD11017EF6027BD48E4BA67A180F2CD34]

Purple dot, you can barely see it in the picture.
Oh, that's nice. I can't post a pic :| How to paste the pic here? hehe
Mines pretty small, not as small as yours tho

[Image: 5DA84FAAAB08026B6C659D258FE9A879C8EE9896]

[Image: 2du07qd.jpg]

Double post

i think its the best crosshair for me
thavs, post: 89693, member: 16525 Wrote:HERES MINE:

[Image: 2du07qd.jpg]

Double post

i think its the best crosshair for me
644 ms xD
thavs, post: 89693, member: 16525 Wrote:HERES MINE:
65862995,1365862919][/DOUBLEPOST]i think its the best crosshair for me
doesnt make a difference if you have one or not lulz
lime green dot here, smallest it will go. most visible color against the most backgrounds. The dot and size make long distance aiming with no-scope weapons more practical imo.