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Me and gummy decided to matchmake on GO. This is what they put us in..
[Image: 89EFC3EAA3D16EC0524473BFA1A565399E35A1EE]
Who Is Gummy?
|Cam|Per, post: 89810, member: 16797 Wrote:Who Is Gummy?
You don't need to post useless threads. I've been getting ranked with people with ranks like gummy and i've been getting my ass whooped.
What what I'm so confused right now

Camper gummy is a friend, he's from Canada and I'm from Asia. Instead of putting us into an Asian server it put us into an American server. So everyone except gummy had high pings.
even in csgo, the white man is favored.
White is right.
Neo//._., post: 89822, member: 14824 Wrote:You don't need to post useless threads. I've been getting ranked with people with ranks like gummy and i've been getting my ass whooped.
He doesn't know gummy, remember he's still new on this forums.
_RemiX, post: 89836, member: 3519 Wrote:White is right.

USA a-ok?
Thank You
Riser, post: 89827, member: 992 Wrote:What what I'm so confused right now

Camper gummy is a friend, he's from Canada and I'm from Asia. Instead of putting us into an Asian server it put us into an American server. So everyone except gummy had high pings.
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