My computer stop booting and the main problem is my then hard disk.
1. Is there a way to make my old hard disk functional?
2. Is there a way to recover the files inside my failed hard disk?
ALING KURING SARI SARI STORE, post: 90613, member: 1732 Wrote:My computer stop booting and the main problem is my then hard disk.
1. Is there a way to make my old hard disk functional?
2. Is there a way to recover the files inside my failed hard disk?
How old is your Drive? There are ways to recover the files by going to a professional store, they have the necessary tools and software to provide that service, usually $10-40. Usually drives have an amazing manufacture warranty, so you should give them a call and see if it falls under warranty, but back up your files before you do as they will not do it for you when they replace of fix your drive.
Double post
Post 2. If you can afford it get an external drive where you back up all your files 1-3 times a month, and remove it from the power source whenever you are not backing up files. Per myself I am currently operating 7 drives (2 internal 5 external) plus a back drive that is offline during non back up hours. It does miracles, especially with a lot of files.
Cucubelu where in the heck can u get data recovery from a failed HD for $10-40?????? that service is in the hundreds of dollars.
Theres SO many reasons a hard drive cud fail to boot. Cud just be a corrupt and easily fixable boot sector, or it cud be physical damage almost anywhere within the hard drive. Even if theres physical damage, u cud possible slave it to another working comp to recover most or all of ur files. U cud even return the physically damaged hard drive to working condition if there was a head crash by getting those sectors written off as bad sectors.
Need more info. any error messages or do u just get a blinking cursor on a black screen? does it say no OS found? is it a solid state drive or a hard disk drive? does the hard drive make any unusual noise, or does it sound like its working normally?
Pishtim, post: 90648, member: 3115 Wrote:Cucubelu where in the heck can u get data recovery from a failed HD for $10-40?????? that service is in the hundreds of dollars.
Craigslist. A few people have the equipment and willing to do it cheaper.
Price tag depends on size, and how corrupt the files are. Remember, not all files can be saved if the drive is too messed up!
cucubelu, post: 90649, member: 15378 Wrote:Craigslist. A few people have the equipment and willing to do it cheaper. 
Price tag depends on size, and how corrupt the files are. Remember, not all files can be saved if the drive is too messed up!
haha that wud be a steal. I freelance at $60 an hour and thats only cuz im not greedy

Hmm Actually its a hard disk of a laptop. I saw a message before I shut down my computer that I should back up my files since there is a hard disk failure ( I don't exactly remember the message). When I turned on my computer, it will stop responding after the boot screen. I can't even press the f3, f11 or del for the recovery, setup etc. I think the hard disk stop running or something.
There is no loud noise and its 1 and a half year old. So not that old.
ALING KURING SARI SARI STORE, post: 90655, member: 1732 Wrote:Hmm Actually its a hard disk of a laptop. I saw a message before I shut down my computer that I should back up my files since there is a hard disk failure ( I don't exactly remember the message). When I turned on my computer, it will stop responding after the boot screen. I can't even press the f3, f11 or del for the recovery, setup etc. I think the hard disk stop running or something.
There is no loud noise and its 1 and a half year old. So not that old.
So you need to open up your laptop, check the serial number, get in touch with the manufactures.
For recovering your files you will need to go to an specialist/shop. If it won't boot up.
Ok I'll take a look. Its already removed from my laptop hehe. But I think the warranty has expired though I'll check to make sure (or not because If it still under warranty, then I should not bought a new hdd

If your laptop's warranty is expired then the HDD's warranty is also expired. I have a Western Digital 160GB 5400rpm that is stored in my box if you want

Sibrox, post: 90675, member: 14065 Wrote:If your laptop's warranty is expired then the HDD's warranty is also expired. I have a Western Digital 160GB 5400rpm that is stored in my box if you want 
Actually not true. Manufactures of hard drive warranty's are between 2-10 years. People don't know about this because they hardly ever get in touch with the manufacturers and try to get the warranty from the store. My Toshiba drive was 4.5 years old with "no warranty" coverage by the shop, called it in the Toshiba myself, and there it was, perfect warranty coverage for another 6 months! Exchanged my drive and happy I was!
Rest of my laptop was out of warranty, so its all about making sure to talk directly to the manufacturer!