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Name: Riser <3 mahyar

Steam ID: idk

Age: 12

Sex: i'm 12 and what is this, and why does my ass hurt

Occupation: furry loli

Country or State of Residence: equestria

Hours of Availability: whenever my daddy stops beating me

Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: why would i be one, admins can go fuck themselves

Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: only fags apply for admin

Previous Counter-strike Experience:
played with bots, died every round, this game sucks, you all are fags for playing it

Previous Games Played: (Recent)
minesweeper, solitaire

Previous League Experience: (Any Game)
league of legends

Computer Specs: (Optional)
energized potato

Favorite Weapon: (Optional)

Favorite Map: (Optional):
bison's trailer

Is there anything else you wish to say? (200 words max):
pTk touched me inappropriately, Riser is still gay
do any of you even lift
we dont accept ptk's exs
Penus are the best weapons that have ever existed. 1dickgle errdaaaay
ACCEPTED add this no lyfing nerd to member list ptk.

Please Add me on steam for your invite. thx.