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Full Version: The Underrated Team
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[INDENT=1]Name Of The Clan- The Underrated Team[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]How To Join- Just Complete The Form [/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Player Name -[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]The Server(s) You Are Good In-[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Platform (Nonsteam Or Steam)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1] You Are underrated Or Not [/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]You Can Join The Clan[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Its Your Choice Wear The Clantag Or Not[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]But Be The Part Smile [/INDENT]
Player Name - Prokiller
Age- 18
The Server(s) You Are Good In- Minigames server
Platform - Nonsteam Sad

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Player Name - Prokiller
Age- 18
The Server(s) You Are Good In- Minigames server
Platform - Nonsteam Sad
New clan? Curious y r u under rated.
Player Name: UmerK1000^
Age- 13
The Server(s) You Are Good in- Mingames and Scrim 1/2
Platform- Steam

I just like filling out apps for stuff Tongue
$UmerK1000$, post: 91483, member: 16583 Wrote:Player Name: UmerK1000^
Age- 13
The Server(s) You Are Good in- Mingames and Scrim 1/2
Platform- Steam

I just like filling out apps for stuff :p

pTK, post: 91502, member: 2725 Wrote:^lol
PRoKiLLer, post: 91469, member: 16866 Wrote:Player Name - Prokiller
Age- 18
The Server(s) You Are Good In- Minigames server
Platform - Nonsteam Sad

Double post

Player Name - Prokiller
Age- 18
The Server(s) You Are Good In- Minigames server
Platform - Nonsteam Sad
you Are In

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But Pls Dont Leave JEddawi Its 3rd Best IN Mg!

Double post

Made It public for A week Anyone Can Join =)