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Full Version: Japanese Terrorfist app
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Name: Japanese Terrorfist
Division Applied For: put me in one
Steam id:0:0:14534456 (something like that. youll figure it out)
Sex: yes please
Occupation: School Work Military Other (Select one, if other please specify) school and work
Country or State of Residence: Cali
Hours of Availability: whenever im on
Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?:no
Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: well see
Previous Counterstrike Experience: been playing forever. that count?
Previous Games Played: (Recent) pops and others (to lazy to find names)
Previous League Experience: (Any Game) yes
Is there anything else you wish to say? will u bend over for me?
Here's Johnny!
terrorfist sashimi.
great addition to hdk.