So does anyone wanna share there binds for css? i would love to have some since i am noobing it out

Sure, what do you want binds for?
MeDia Wrote:So does anyone wanna share there binds for css? i would love to have some since i am noobing it out 
bind w "+forward;kill"
bind s "+back;exec lab"
FYI don't use exec lab >.>
Wow harvo you jerk. lol
The first one will make you kill yourself, MeDia
And the second one will make you redownload your cfg's... i think
bind mouse1 "+attack; sm_ban xFerior"
Lol you have to have a reason and the ban time

I recently have binded my mousewheel button to switch weapons instead of "q" because q takes too long.
Sir, is it by pressing the mousewheel button or rolling it? ;D
By pressing the button, yeah. The "Middle Click" as people call it. I use scrolling for jumping. It easier for strafing in my opinion. (=