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I'm like 80 hours from 1,000 hours of CS:S, lol.
I don't know whether to be proud or depressed, rofl.

P.S. Add me to the New Members Roster!
Nice! Almost a 1000 hours. I wish Steam existed back in the 1.0+ days! I wonder what shock we would all be in for! :o

Double post

Added! Smile
jung and bison have 5,000 hours each :p (5,000 hours = 208 days)
That, is insane. Lol.

I might have 5000+ hours of gaming total in my 20s. Rofl.

I really couldn't imagine from my teens and on. When I hit 14, I got into RPGs with FF7.
Legends of Dragoon. Suikoden III. Breath of Fire 2, 3, & 4.
Then consecutively played FF8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, Tactics (like 50 times and now have it for the PSP).
Not to forget FallOut, FO3, FO:NV.
Oblivion. Skyrim.
Dynasty Warriors. Blur. Assassin's Creed series.
Baulder's Gate. Diablo 1, 2, & 3.
Torchlight 1 & 2.
Champions of Norath.
Amaaagawd, so many titles.
J33f, post: 93623, member: 17021 Wrote:That, is insane. Lol.

I might have 5000+ hours of gaming total in my 20s. Rofl.

I really couldn't imagine from my teens and on. When I hit 14, I got into RPGs with FF7.
Legends of Dragoon. Suikoden III. Breath of Fire 2, 3, & 4.
Then consecutively played FF8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, Tactics (like 50 times and now have it for the PSP).
Not to forget FallOut, FO3, FO:NV.
Oblivion. Skyrim.
Dynasty Warriors. Blur. Assassin's Creed series.
Baulder's Gate. Diablo 1, 2, & 3.
Torchlight 1 & 2.
Champions of Norath.
Amaaagawd, so many titles.
Ohhh ff7! They are remaking the FF8 into HD quality for PC later this year. FF7 is still not confirmed. FFX & FFX2 will be released soon with HD quality for PS3...

I don't see Dragon Age or Mass Effect series in there :o
Lol, dude. I can't account for all of the games I've played. Tongue

Mass Effect and Dragon Age are both in the Played category though. xD
I have over 3500 hrs. on CS:S :eek:
Workin' on my first K. lolol.
J33f is the new George in Nightwatch.

Good or Bad, lol?
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