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HDK Application
Division Applied For: (What game do you play)
REnaissance Heros
Steam id:
lordtumbles (http://steamcommunity.com/id/LordTumbles/)
Occupation: School Work Military Other (Select one, if other please specify)
Country or State of Residence:
Hours of Availability:
Most, My taken time is variable between everything I do but I can usually stick to plans I make.
Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?:
Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?:
I have no idea what that is so no
Previous Counterstrike Experience:
Previous Games Played: (Recent)
Check Steam, + League of Legends.
Previous League Experience: (Any Game)
Alliance of Valliant Arms, League of Legends (currently Silver II), Soldier Front,
Computer Specs: (Optional)
Favorite Weapon: (Optional)
Favorite Map: (Optional)
I hope I was not confused too much.
We will give you an ingame tryout next chance we get! thanks for applying!
Soldier front? I used to play that too, competetive side of the game or just pubbing? Also what server were you from, EU or USA??
USA, And a bit of both, Its where I first started loving the Drugonuv tbh. (And now my ladyfriend OWNS one :3) I tried to be competative in SF but tbh back when I played there wasn't the will for most people to try. As with all those ijji games it was taken over by hackers fairly quickly. (Omg I still have nightmares about GUNZ x.x)

Edited in: I will be gone this weekend due to laundry and various shenanigans at my friends in the woods. Should be back sunday night.
I played soldier front a little bit, but I was like.. 12 or something when I did didnt really get into it like CF. Good Luck Tumbles.
Ah, I see, I played mostly only competetive in EU community. Knew a bit of USA competetive players though, think my name was something like Erox_:Cancel or Erox_:Erox lol. I stopped playing like 3-4 years ago though. Really wish this game didn't go downhill, because the competetive side of this game was just amazing, it just needed some support from the GM's and the game developpers.
Which game?
Edit: Gonna play a bit of Renaissance Heros untill my League partner gets out of game.
Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep, post: 93792, member: 4142 Wrote:SF

Ah yeah. Coulda been good stuff, Granted some of the maps were WAY unbalanced (Shanghai Blue Team OP!)