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Full Version: Your three favorite standard css maps?
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Nuke , cbble ,Contra !Cool
Of course. cs_assault, de_nuke, de_cabble.
Mill, Season and Russka
So not to be a dick, but season's a custom map, lol.

I'd prefer

Nuke, Piranisei, and maybe Inferno.

If custom but already on the server:
Contra, Mill (Tuscan would be better), Season
Main choice:
Inferno, Mill, and Season.

Other possibilities:
Assault, Tides, and Piranisi
Season as my favorite map, and maybe Nuke and Inferno.
Nuke, Inferno, Mill - Not in that order.
nuke, fuck cpl maps.
Port, Aztec, inferno
Aztec, Season and Mill.
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