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Full Version: logo i made for go berzerk
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wanted to do something fun and chaotic, didnt want to do a generic logo with shield and metallic look

[Image: 41yy.jpg]


[Image: 6qmp.jpg]
the 'GO' is looking like '60'

Double post

the first one looks better than the second one
Nice logo d^^b
looks terribly gay, would suit the team perfectly.

jkjkjk its ok, just a little different
I agree, G needs to be more of a G and less of a 6.

As for the second one, you do know that the rainbow colors are considered the colors for the gay pride flag right? Wink
v1 is better.
You really should just scrap both of them and start again. Use landscape view.
Riser, post: 98129, member: 992 Wrote:looks terribly gay, would suit the team perfectly.
Right on!

Nah Smile I like the first one most. However as said previously, the G looks like a 6. The second has too many colors. Smile
_RemiX, post: 98143, member: 3519 Wrote:You really should just scrap both of them and start again. Use landscape view.

why would I use landscape when steam picture + esea team picture + cevo team picture are all squares ?

also omg rainbows, they are da dirty homosexuals, burn at the stake !
Rainbows :-D
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