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Full Version: if you think War-lords rules are strict
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take a look at rule no. 3

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how do u view rules ingame?
wow. someone ain't down with the homies.
k, i will call people pigs then. or rats. or whatever, but not dog. i guess would work fine, am I wrong?
Accept, Except..... Same thing, right?
Haha, what server is that?
i guess one week ban is worth it! haha
"Refrain from using other language accept English"

That rule worked out well! :p The person who did the MOTD got permbanned moments after Sad
you cant even swear in some servers ... 3: my heart broke when they told me this.

Double post

They were like "hedge, no bad words!"
I replied, "Oh fuck, sorry"

kicked by admin
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 98330, member: 9457 Wrote:Haha, what server is that?

its a CS:GO server located in HongKong. I think calling a person Dog is seriously disrepectful there.

anyway, i'm tempted to sing this next time i'm there.
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