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Full Version: Night Watch application [Accepted]
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  • -Name in game : -Teletubbies-GenesiS™
  • -Steam id : LEGIT STEAM_0:0:61576263
  • -Age : 35
  • -Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits).: (WL)
  • -Why Night Watch : [I] Will wear the clantag proudly [/I]
  • -About yourself : start Playing cs 1.3 till now "ADICK"... also playing money involve i got best Team -The Teletubbies- in Philippines
Thanks Telebubbies! We will get back to you within 24! Glad to see you on the forums!
J33f, post: 98787, member: 17021 Wrote:... he should go to HDK.

Something about a 35 year old and teletubbies in his name just fits them better...

[Image: Facepalm.jpg]
Welcome on forums. Like cucu said, we will reply here soon.

good luck teletubbies!
thnks hope so.
Good news Teletubbies. You have been accepted. I will send you an invite through steam to our group, and you should have access to our private part of the forums in a few hours. Welcome to NW. Smile