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Full Version: NW Application [APPROVED]
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-Name in game: h0ps
-Steam id [SIZE=11px]STEAM_0:0:34833622[/SIZE]
-Age 22.. 23 very soon!
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits). gWb Elite
-Why Night Watch: Well I know most of the players in NW and they're all good guys and I enjoy playing with
the in the wl servers. i would like to join because my friends are in it so I figured I would give it a shot.
-About yourself: well I am a part time mechanic. Work on diesel trucks. I have 2 actually( obsession). Also i help out on a farm sometimes working with hay and mowing fields. I love riding dirtbikes and hanging out with friends and playing css!
Good luck with your application. we will be evaluating it, this might take couple days.
What Mr. Pussy said.

Good luck h0ps!
Good luck, mate.

Add me to Steam h0ps when you get a chance.
You will have access to our private forums in a few hours, and a group invite as soon as I can.