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Full Version: Well I've been hacked.
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I'm posting this to all of the communities i play on. The title says it all. My steam account has been hacked. Around 2 PM PST i was logged out my account and i couldn't log back in. Apparently Steamgaurd was disabled the lucky fucker probably got me to disable it.
Anyways this person who ever it is will probably want to get me vac banned by cheating on the servers in my favorites list. I dont want to cause any trouble thinking I was the one who cheated in your server or something went wrong. I probably am already banned from half the servers. I'm just noting that if the person does go in war-lords servers and use cheats its not me. I've been emailing steam a billion times on this and no replies yet but hopefully before I get vacced or in some other kind of trouble.
whats ur steam id?
Dot, post: 99747, member: 17321 Wrote:I'm posting this to all of the communities i play on. The title says it all. My steam account has been hacked. Around 2 PM PST i was logged out my account and i couldn't log back in. Apparently Steamgaurd was disabled the lucky fucker probably got me to disable it.
Anyways this person who ever it is will probably want to get me vac banned by cheating on the servers in my favorites list. I dont want to cause any trouble thinking I was the one who cheated in your server or something went wrong. I probably am already banned from half the servers. I'm just noting that if the person does go in war-lords servers and use cheats its not me. I've been emailing steam a billion times on this and no replies yet but hopefully before I get vacced or in some other kind of trouble.

Nice try Framing dot. However I am not fooled that easily. As you can see Dot actual steam account have a fullstop after his name unlike yours. This is his actual account and it clearly says that he only posted once on this forum and it does not include this thread at all.Idk what you have against Dot but nice try framing him.

This is dot actual Forum acc - http://war-lords.net/members/dot.17318/

not this one - http://war-lords.net/members/dot.17321/
lol, that person is trying to frame me. Im the real Dot. as you can see my name has a full stop and his doesn't. I did not get hacked or send any messages to steam saying i got hacked please understand this.
Did you contact Steam support?

Once you provide them with all the correct information it needs and you will get your account back in no time.

There is nothing that can be done here to help you. if the hacker hijacked your account with steam guard enabled, he

had to have access to youremail account as well.


Also, You can add me on steam and I'll help you to get your account back.
Black Blood, post: 99762, member: 14933 Wrote:As you can see Dot actual steam account have a fullstop after his name unlike yours.
He's a different dot.


Hostage, post: 99771, member: 4929 Wrote:Did you contact Steam support?
He's falsely claiming his Steam was stolen when it was not. It's an attempt to save face after the recent cheating infraction. In any case, the ban is valid and will not be overturned.
M. Bison, post: 99778, member: 359 Wrote:He's a different dot.


He's falsely claiming his Steam was stolen when it was not. It's an attempt to save face after the recent cheating infraction. In any case, the ban is valid and will not be overturned.

Dot caught impersonating Dot. by missing a dot, dot spam "..................................................."
Haha I don't cheat. I've played this game for quite awhile now. I play competitively on esea and cevo. If you do not belive me then whoop de doo. Its your opinion im giving mine. I dont cheat and im pretty sure of it. Like I said my account was taken over by someone. I'm not framing anyone this is the name i use in every server. IF you dont like it ill change it.
Do you want me to prove you're lying?
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