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Playing around with Big Grin
Nice. Theyre both good but i like the first one better. thats awesome
to be honest i dont like either of them
I know why you don't like any of them. Because you DO NOT know anything about design Big Grin
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:I know why you don't like any of them. Because you DO NOT know anything about design Big Grin

Pff i don't know anything about design either. lol.
But you liked them Big Grin
i liked some of your other work sorta like my one of my sigs but this isone of the worst ive seen not trying to be mean
I guest i accept that, It's just text and some 3d effect anyways. I can do more than that.
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:I guest i accept that, It's just text and some 3d effect anyways. I can do more than that.
Lol i can't )'=
People just think, differently, i guest is their choice of what they like and what not.( i like my own work)
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