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(CNN) -- Gregg Looney is one for tradition.

Although he and his buddies didn't catch anything at all during a fishing trip last summer, he had so much fun they all decided to do it again this year.

So last week the Dracut, Massachusetts, native and his four longtime friends set out for an entire day fishing off the coast of Cape Cod.

What a difference a year makes.

After dropping anchor a few miles off of Provincetown at around 8 a.m., Gregg baited his first hook of the day.

"And then all of the sudden, Boom!" Gregg told CNN.

That boom was a 920-pound Bluefin tuna on the other end of his line.

[Image: 130807223543-whdh-vo-giant-tuna-caught-0...y-body.jpg]This tuna weighs HOW much?

[Image: 130808162805-mclaughlin-russia-fisherman...y-body.jpg]Fisherman's hand stuck in monkfish jaws
"It dragged us around the ocean for three hours" he said. "We had to cut the anchor!"

It took the strength of all of them -- rotating every 15 or 20 minutes -- to reel it in.

After the 9-foot-long tuna was taken back to the dock, it was cleaned, stripped of the bones and was sold for $4,000.

It was enough tuna to fill nearly 2,000 of the 5-ounce cans sold in the grocery store.

Will the gang do it again next summer?

"You bet" Looney says. "In the same spot, on the same day, at the same time, on same boat, with same crew, and I'm even going to use the same hook"
Awesome story.
damn. Now thats what i call getting paid.
Very awesome catch.. I live not to far from dracut and I actually got to see this fish. HUGE is the only word to describe it