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Full Version: The Most Fail CS:GO Competitive Game Ever
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[Image: 910A4D2850001DCFA5072B61E347E543BDADED19]

Discuss please.

How is it a fail? You're either playing new players or older players who couldn't get 10 wins... and they're in a Silver Elite Master group... Not high level of play expected.
this isn't really a complete photo. These aren't newbs (they were gold nova 1)
Gold Nova 1's aren't exactly good players either. I'm missing something here.

I'd say a more fail CS:GO competitive is when you see a bunch of gold nova's versus some Global Elite's... which is more common then you would think.
I've had games like that, hate them.

No wonder why my skill sucks
Just gotta play with friends.

Only way to go is up bro.