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OH okay. Well I have been saving up for some new upgrades to my laptop or my pc do you have any ideas what i can buy to make my laptop better im not sure what i have right now i just no i need upgrades
MeDia Wrote:OH okay. Well I have been saving up for some new upgrades to my laptop or my pc do you have any ideas what i can buy to make my laptop better im not sure what i have right now i just no i need upgrades
Well if your looking to get a new computer and your serious about gaming, i highly recommend getting a desktop. Laptops are extremely limited to upgrades. Like you can only upgrade the RAM and HardDrive. But with a desktop you can upgrade everything (CPU, GPU, Screen, etc)
i second that desktops are the best for gaming but laptops are fun if u wanna game away from home but expect it to go out of date and not be able not update it
PaSS Wrote:i second that desktops are the best for gaming but laptops are fun if u wanna game away from home but expect it to go out of date and not be able not update it
yeah i also dont like the keys on the laptop. Also the trackpad sucks ass lol. You are forced to buy a mouse which will take up one of your 3 USB ports.
ya personally ive never had a lappy so ya deff up to you
What Should i do? i upgrade my desktop then?
Yeah you don't need to buy a completely new pc. if you are fine with your monitor, that can stay. Also the case can stay. You happen to know what socket your CPU uses?


I play it on laptop, use little mouse from costco(not a gaming mouse at all), in game I set 2.0 sensivity also crosshair size 1 or 0.5, don't remember, it's half of the default one in size, and make crosshair little more fat. Oh, yea also one of the most important things - change crosshair transparency, simply disable it by playing with numbers, so you will see your crosshair when playing levels like dust1/2. It's just me, you can try some other settings.
Ew, dont use crosshair size.  Use crosshair_legacy 1 or whatever (legacy_crosshair?) 

I still use a Logitech mx518 because it is the best mouse ever made Smile 
JackMonroe Wrote:Ew, dont use crosshair size.  Use crosshair_legacy 1 or whatever (legacy_crosshair?) 

I still use a Logitech mx518 because it is the best mouse ever made Smile

cl_legacy_crosshair_scale "1"
And then cl_crosshairscale "whatever"  1200 being the default, 9999 being the highest you can go.

But Jack, that mouse is optical. ]'=
Laser mice>Optical Mice Big Grin
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