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Just wanted to introduce myself!
You can call me Venom or whatever you want i dont really care about that. My friend suggested me to come here.
Living in US so my ping suits to your server, played only in office 24/7 and looking forward to try your another servers.
Hope to see you in game! GL & HF ! ! !
Welcome to wL community. We're utterly delighted to have you on our forums, Stick around!!

Welcome to wL!
Welcome to the forums Venom! Come visit WL Snipers sometime, or come scrim. That's where you'll usually find me. Big Grin
oh nice you have scrim servers too? Good to know))
VeNoM, post: 104327, member: 17683 Wrote:oh nice you have scrim servers too? Good to know))

Welcome. Yes we have a few servers. You can see the list here.
Hi! Welcome to War-Lords! Have a nice stay here VeNoM. I'm also new in wL, worth a shot in getting some rep by welcoming someone Smile