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Full Version: why women are diffcult
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Lol pass speak for yourself Tongue
PaSS Wrote:ROFLOL that ts what u get from a buch of gaming nerds that have no lifes on a forum


seriously speak for yourself LOL
Dre@M$ Wrote:lol but half in my school are sluts and whores
if i want to get laid i just got to pay $5 for a BJ (dont whore dont have money skills or math)
vietnameeh & xFerior you guys just practiccly admited to it the first stage is denial i mean really any one that games more than o 2 or 3 hours a day or spends that time on a website is addicted
PaSS Wrote:vietnameeh & xFerior you guys just practiccly admited to it the first stage is denial i mean really any one that games more than o 2 or 3 hours a day or spends that time on a website is addicted
lol wtf are you talking about, your the one concerned about staying ahead. I thought you play starcraft all day?

Quote:if i want to get laid i just got to pay $5 for a BJ (dont whore dont have money skills or math)

You quoted your own post. lol. Anway, thats pretty sad your in a school like that. Maybe you should consider transferring o.o
OP's conversation looks like it was between two 13 year olds. You should target a female that's a little more mature and a little more intelligent. Also, if you want to get laid just ask me for some pointers. For starters you should be nicer to the girl, speak with a little better grammar (don't sound/look like an idiot) Be more assertive, and less fag-like.
xD lol i really dont care about this girl i thought it might be funny :/
Wasn't really funny at all, just painful to read.
steve Wrote:OP's conversation looks like it was between two 13 year olds. You should target a female that's a little more mature and a little more intelligent. Also, if you want to get laid just ask me for some pointers. For starters you should be nicer to the girl, speak with a little better grammar (don't sound/look like an idiot) Be more assertive, and less fag-like.

But sometimes mature girl, just ignore you Big Grin
the less fag less part.... is by far the best tip... believe it

you ever wonder why some guys can get girls.... that are way to good looking for them.... its hte FAG LESS part im dead serious
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