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Full Version: [†]3llie[†] 's HDK Application
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Name: [†]3llie[†]

Division Applied For: (What game do you play) Popular Maps (WL)

Steam id: STEAM_0:1:41702120

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Occupation: School Work Military Other (Select one, if other please specify) Student

Country or State of Residence: Currently in Hong Kong, but in NorCal during the school year

Hours of Availability: Every night, usually weekends as well

Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: No.

Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: Haven't given that a though yet!

Previous Counterstrike Experience: Used to go to LAN cafes w/ friends to play 1.6, Source

Previous Games Played: (Recent) Mainly (only) CS:S

Previous League Experience: (Any Game) None.

Computer Specs: (Optional)

Favorite Weapon: (Optional) M4, AWP, Deagle, P90 (if i don't have enough cash haha)

Favorite Map: (Optional) Night Fever, Dust 2, Piranesi, Inferno

Is there anything else you wish to say? (200 words max)
Ellie! My Ride or Die buddy. How's Berkley treating you? You probably made a lot of new friends already huh? Hope you get in HDK good luck!
Mikoy, post: 105036, member: 17183 Wrote:Ellie! My Ride or Die buddy. How's Berkley treating you? You probably made a lot of new friends already huh? Hope you get in HDK good luck!

KuYa! Berkeley's aight… nothing like being back on steam though Tongue and thanks! Smile
[†]3llie[†]:, post: 105038, member: 17776 Wrote:KuYa! Berkeley's aight… nothing like being back on steam though :p and thanks! Smile

fine its BerkEley and not Berkley then! however you spell it. lol
-In evaluation-

Double post

-Approved- Add me on steam for invite.
congrats ellie! welcome to HDK. wear the tag proudly
ooh hot mamma has a clan now! btw stop putting those cancer sticks in ur mouth... its very unattractive :p
Omg!! Thanks pTK Smile I'll wear the tag loud and proud, teehee. (P.S. just sent you a friend request)

Thanks KuYa and Pishtim!! I can finally say your name :3 it took me a while…
Nobody likes the Bears, Trojan pride all the way! - USC student
Jk, Cal is chill. I need to visit my friends there some time soon.

I'm surprised pTk didn't directly ask for nudes as part of the application process..
lin3ar You're a trojan? Whoah! We're both in Cali Smile
Let me know when you come visit, we should meet up!

Hahaha what is that supposed to mean >:<
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