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Alright sorry for the run around. First of all, fiction doesn't run on starcraft anymore, it doesn't work. You will need a diablo 2 cd key in order for this to work correctly. I would recommend using a muted/voided diablo 2 cdkey to run the account creator. Second you're going to need the correct hashes which can be found by clicking the following link. Diablo II Hashes - Downloads - War-Lords.net

After that is done, make sure the configuration file has the correct information, and correct verbyte for Diablo 2. One last and perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT STEP TO REMEMBER, make sure the cdkey you use for diablo 2 is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, for example AB12-CD34-EF56-GH78.

Note how the letters are in capital letters, and the numbers are just numbers. If you fail to put the cdkey in all capital letters, you will get IP banned from the server you are connecting to. Also that key was just an example, not a working cdkey. That should be all you need to know on how to get fiction to work correctly. If you have any more problems or questions feel free to let me know
OMG ALL THAT WASTED TIME LOL it is no matter but wat is the verbyte for D2? and ty for all the help....
If the verbyte for d2 is 13 it still doesnt work...lmao i am not good at this lol
na bro 13 is the decimal for d2, although it is correct, its for the wrong kind of bot, The actual verbyte is OD, O, not 0 (Zero)
[21:26:34] Index 0: Connected
[21:26:34] Index 1: Connected
[21:26:34] Index 1: Unrecognized game version
[21:26:34] Index 0: Unrecognized game version
Is it the keys?
yeah that's definitely the key, find another one
I used a whole bunch of d2 keys none of them worked, is there a certain kind of key i need in the product thing in config it says D2DV
no, that stays the same, please post logs like you have been doing, and also remember the key you put in the config HAS TO BE CAPITALIZED THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH THE CDKEY

Since i didnt see Tom's posts for some wierd reason...

D2 ^ hashes
make sure verbyte is OD has to be in hex form...(lame)
make sure cdkey is cap entire way through (lamer)
Try running as administrator
pm me if u need a key , voided / muted keys work the same as well; only to logon create account and logoff
yo hit me up on aim owned5 and i can help u get this bot running ez Big Grin
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