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Posted this in the wrong section originally lol.

Hey, I'm from Easy Company and we're interested in scheduling a scrim with your community. Let us know what date/time seems best for you guys, and we also have a server we could use. We're thinking of doing it maybe Saturday or Sunday, whatever time seems best for you on those days.

You can contact us on our forums @ ecclan.net, or add me on steam: [email protected]
theyre pubstars they dont scrim lel
I scrim daily!
Add me on steam if anyones interested. CSS getting pretty boring so we're just looking to have a fun scrim.
heck, css sure is getting boring. tell your boys to join us. - PUG1 & - PUG2
Riser, post: 107933, member: 992 Wrote:theyre pubstars they dont scrim lel
Hey! Thats 'Mr. Pub Loser' to you, pal. Big Grin
we scrim all the time at azn Wink
gOdzOOki, post: 108060, member: 2409 Wrote:heck, css sure is getting boring. tell your boys to join us. - PUG1 & - PUG2
hey does scrim accept nonsteamers?
DUNGAAAA, post: 110402, member: 18096 Wrote:hey does scrim accept nonsteamers?
no it does not. the pug server uses steam voice which requires steam.
I rarely scrim.....
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