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When you write a large program you will use API's, well that is to say if you don't may god have mercy on your soulĀ  ;D

This is a part of the API I am working on for database/file management
Btw, this is untested atm, i will update and make a note if there is problems.

Note that mem is a class (that i use for global variable calls)
Note that mem.data is the only list that is modified by the "other commands" (not seen)
class store:#handler for managing multiple files
    def pushas(value):
        if isinsance(value,str) is True:
        if value < len(mem.store):
    def pullas(value):
        if value < len(mem.store):
            return None
    def push():
    def pull(value):
        if isinstance(value,str) is True:
    def swap(value):
    def name(value,name):
    def getvalue(name):#[returns list location]
        return loc