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Full Version: y u still play css riser?
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Ahh ok, I've been working on a video too, and Fraps is the only thing I could find that was decent. Problem is, since I can barely run Source anyway, it's gonna be hard to record smoothly :/

I'll look into Geforce Experience, but I'm guessing that one requires a Geforce card?
H0ok3r w A P3n1s™, post: 111606, member: 17690 Wrote:Ahh ok, I've been working on a video too, and Fraps is the only thing I could find that was decent. Problem is, since I can barely run Source anyway, it's gonna be hard to record smoothly :/

I'll look into Geforce Experience, but I'm guessing that one requires a Geforce card?
Any Nvidia card works as far as I know.
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cucubelu, post: 111616, member: 15378 Wrote:Any Nvidia card works as far as I know.
I have an integrated ATI card. It sucks. Sad

edit: I guess technically it's not even a card.
ATI aint got jack squat compared to Nvidia Smile
Yeah no kidding lol
Phoen1x, post: 111634, member: 18091 Wrote:ATI aint got jack squat compared to Nvidia Smile
k wat abot amd
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