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Black Blood, post: 112740, member: 14933 Wrote:Just curious which of the two admins on your friend list is giving you this information?
I shall not name, but they didn't give me any other information. Only that. I asked for names because I assumed it was Riser (lol) but they wouldn't even respond. -___-
Alina, post: 112738, member: 18175 Wrote:I said this before I posted my app. Obviously you can't read.

Obviously you didn't read. I said I haven't even been around for all the drama. I was on vacation and come back to this. Do you really think I'm gonna sit there and try to dig up what happened when I was gone? No. I said based on what I saw. If you are so unhappy, then get out. Why are you even coming back to cause more drama?
For the second time, quit posting in other forums. Keep your posts here.

I never had anything against you until you started being manipulative and somehow trying so hard to get attention through all of your threads, if I really had something against you.. you would be permabanned from the forums and in-game. Quit trying to be a disturbance in our community, if you're done just be done. Go away you silly troll.
Alina, post: 112735, member: 18175 Wrote:my admin app goes from 4 Yes 1 No on the votes, to all saying No.
What do you expect? A requirement for in-game admin is to be active on the gaming server. You can't fulfill your admin responsibilities when you're no longer active in the game servers.

Alina, post: 112735, member: 18175 Wrote:All the admins say is that I'm pissed because I didn't get admin, but I said BEFORE my admin app was even reviewed in my Quitting CSS post that I don't care about it anymore.
Why bring it up when you don't care? And why are you at all shocked you didn't get it? We reject the majority of admin applications.

Alina, post: 112735, member: 18175 Wrote:They have absolutely no idea what they're doing, and treat non-admins as though they are lesser individuals.
I don't believe I've ever done that.

Alina, post: 112735, member: 18175 Wrote:but to just be outright sour to everybody and deleting or modifying posts that go against the admins is so ridiculous. I can assure you this post will either be deleted, modified, or turned into a joke by a root admin (I.E. saying I'm a retard and I don't know what I'm talking about, even though most players love me and know I'm not a sourpuss).
I've never done that either. The only time posts are removed or modified is when they violate the posting rules for the subcategory. A good example is the ban appeals section which has very strict posting rules. That section is largely restricted to admins-only. I believe rule #7 of protest section guidelines should make that quite clear.
Riser, post: 112746, member: 992 Wrote:For the second time, quit posting in other forums. Keep your posts here.

I never had anything against you until you started being manipulative and somehow trying so hard to get attention through all of your threads, if I really had something against you.. you would be permabanned from the forums and in-game. Quit trying to be a disturbance in our community, if you're done just be done. Go away you silly troll.
I'm not a troll. I'm furious because the very instant I point out the ban issue I'm getting flamed by admins in PMs and idiots on Steam. If I'm wrong, just say that, don't privately flame me. You didn't, but a hell of a lot of other people found it offensive in some odd manner. Then they told me to get off the forums, which makes absolutely no sense. Now I look like an idiot, (and your response will more than likely be "you are an idiot" followed by multiple likes of the post and making a joke out of this), because I've had important posts silenced, modified, and have had my words twisted and answers being nothing but extended echoes of what I said before. "I don't care about the admin status." right on the first fucking post, "I think you're just butthurt that you didn't get admin.", then "I was gone, don't expect me to know everything." Are you fucking serious?
Come on David, this is a flame thread. You flamed nor admired! Get with the program!

Something along these lines maybe :eek::
Alina, post: 112725, member: 18175 Wrote:я ненавижу WarLord

And most admins are assholes, especially roots. I'm out. Bye! Ban me, idc

[Image: fmrrc.gif]
George Of The Jungle, post: 112757, member: 3094 Wrote:Come on David, this is a flame thread. You flamed nor admired! Get with the program!
I was originally a General thread about me quitting CSS, then they started modifying my posts and turned it into this because all of the sudden I'm considered a troll for whatever reason.
Son, from the unofficial representative of the Yakumo Household... Drop the thread and leave it.
Alina, post: 112758, member: 18175 Wrote:I was originally a General thread about me quitting CSS, then they started modifying my posts and turned it into this because all of the sudden I'm considered a troll for whatever reason.

[Image: syxqn7.jpg]
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