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Full Version: Can't connect
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Well idk if this is the right section.

Well, I started playing in the pug server a few days ago then yesterday i got a steam que or something like that error and got kicked from the server

now I'm unable to connect to the wl cent pug 1 and 2. They don't even show up on my server list any more.

any way to fix this?

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cmon any one i wanna keep on pugging :~(

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I'm able to connect to most of the other wl servers too

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anything? I can still connect to most wl servers just not certain ones
You are not trying to play through a VPN, right? The servers are setup to periodically detect and block VPN IP ranges.
Yea I'm playing through a vpn cause I get dos'd often :l
It will need to be disabled while playing here.

I'd suggest playing with your steam offline (so people can't send you voice requests). The alternative way to get it is through the player_connect event, but these servers filter it out.