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Quote:Riser: k
Riser: now
Riser: i need another favour
Riser: Big Grin
George, of the jungle: nou
Riser: http://war-lords.net/forum-24.html
George, of the jungle: YOU NEED MONEY AGAIN FER CRACK????
Riser: go to that forum
Riser: and create a shitty thread
Riser: anything
George, of the jungle: oO
George, of the jungle: k
George, of the jungle: Is this you trolling me and you're going to tell me afterwards that all this shit was for nothing?
Riser: no
George, of the jungle: alright
George, of the jungle: beware though, I'll find you
George, of the jungle: Malaysiastreet 192 , Malaysiacity, Malaysia
Riser: hurry
Riser: you cunt
George, of the jungle: have patience shitface, go chew on your dog's balls for a few minutes!
dRAGON: hmmm I cant change my pwd ._.
Riser: whats the error
Riser: log in through steam, then change it
Riser: in the usercp
dRAGON: i tried
dRAGON: wrong pwd error
Riser: drag123
Riser: ur pw
Riser: try changing it now
dRAGON: oh it worked
GJ dragon, tell everyone your password.. noob

and heres a chat log for you gerge.

George, of the Jungle: I like small bois
Riser: I know
George, of the Jungle: I like small bois penis
Riser: I know
George, of the Jungle: I'm a jelly dildo
Riser: yes you are

Gayness all day all night, good job.. Sad
Riser really a f0ked up person.
Hello george ****
(Sep 07 2014, 06:44 AM)Assassin Wrote: [ -> ]Hello george ****

Wowwwwwwwwww, ass ass in :o whats up, been a while.
KuYa: so...
KuYa: who's that mawped fag?
how to pray game: fuk off
how to pray game: bitch
how to pray game: dont talk to me
KuYa: he your bitch?
KuYa: or slut?
KuYa: which one?
how to pray game: BOTH FAGGOT
KuYa: what about sol?
how to pray game: ur a cunt
KuYa: and kyoto?
KuYa: or bah
how to pray game: UR A FKN CUNT
KuYa: dude you got a lot of sluts
how to pray game: BITCH
how to pray game is now Offline.
how to pray game is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
<----- ROFLMFAOL yeah he RQed (went offline) on me
KuYa: they taught you how to douggie too?
KuYa: or suck their dicks???
KuYa: where'd you go?
KuYa: you mad?
KuYa: dont be mad
KuYa: remember your first rule about being your friend?
KuYa: well, it applies to me too
KuYa: xD
KuYa: First rule of being friends with me = never take me seriously -Riser.