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Full Version: Recoil & Spread Mechanics change from 1.6 to GO
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Post is from reddit, basically explains the difference in gameplay of CSGO and other versions of CS.

Quote:Firing inaccuracy
  • The 1.6 system: For most guns, inaccuracy is determined by the cube (square for certain guns) of the number of shots fired. This is divided by a certain amount and capped to stop you from getting too inaccurate. After you've stopped firing for 0.4 seconds, your shots fired counter decrements once then continues to decrement every 0.0225s. Exception: Pistols use a simple linear time based reset.
  • The CS:GO system: Each shot adds a static amount of inaccuracy, which resets on the following formula: newInaccuracy = inaccuracy * e -t / ( log base 10 of e * RecoveryTime ) where t is time and RecoveryTime is RecoveryTimeStand or RecoveryTimeCrouch.
  • Consequences: Because a percentage of the accuracy resets per time period in GO, the less accurate you are the faster it resets. This imposes a natural inaccuracy limit, and also makes it so the first shots have the harshest accuracy penalty because you lose the same amount of accuracy but it resets slower. The 1.6 system is the opposite, where the first shots have the lowest accuracy penalty. On the AK the 2nd shot is nearly 100% accurate, and the 3rd shot is nearly 90% accurate. This means tapping and short bursting is much stronger. You also regain the full accuracy of a single tap in 0.4 seconds, whereas in GO you're still left with 10% of the accuracy penalty after 0.46s on a standing AK tap.

Disclaimer: The numbers and formulas are from memory and might be slightly off

  • The 1.6 system: Recoil changes based on stance. Moving over 5 in/s increases recoil slightly, jumping increases it massively and ducking decreases it. This makes it much harder to spray while strafing. Recoil magnitude is on a pattern but the left/right direction is random.

  • The CS:GO system: Recoil magnitude and direction is completely fixed. There is no change regardless of stance.

  • Consequences: Fixed recoil direction is generally regarded as an improvement, but the magnitude not changing with stance made ADADADA much more powerful than it was.
Riser is so smart and well-educated from the CSA (Counter Strike Academy), teach me more Riser-senpai~! *_*

Thanks for the mathematical equations riser, now I'll be able to hit something more than a barn.
(Sep 08 2014, 03:26 PM)Phoen1x Wrote: [ -> ]Riser is so smart and well-educated from the CSA (Counter Strike Academy), teach me more Riser-senpai~! *_*

Thanks for the mathematical equations riser, now I'll be able to hit something more than a barn.

Wot its not mine I just copy pasted it lol
Then never mind.