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Full Version: CS GO at 50% off, CS: S at 75% off
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CSS: http://store.steampowered.com/app/240/
CSGO: http://store.steampowered.com/app/730/

There's also a bundle of all the CS games at 66% off:
Thanks Riser... Got CS GO..
₩25000 = $22.76
Yeah.. I got the game for 22 bucks just days before the steam sale. *facepalm*
Someone buy me cs:go.....i have no money left.
i got it for 5$ CS:S Wink that deal <3
you BUY ME :/
(Jan 10 2015, 01:27 PM)Dragon Wrote: [ -> ]you BUY ME :/

ok, how much do u sell for? is 10 YEN enough to buy you? but why should i buy you? can u cook? can u lick? what can u do?