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Hello wL Community I wanted to apply for the Night Watch clan for long time but did not have time, but now i do so i play Counter-Strike : Source and i have clan:The Ne®oS™ and ive been playing css since 2010 in wL Snipers and wL MiniGames alot of people know me.
Smile Thank You Smile
Welcome to the forums!

(Dec 08 2014, 08:55 AM)Matt Wrote: [ -> ]Hi.

A wild kangaroo appears...
(Dec 08 2014, 12:39 AM)ƙɪɗɗ ҳ ƥɾơ Wrote: [ -> ]Hello wL Community I wanted to apply for the Night Watch clan for long time but did not have time, but now i do so i play Counter-Strike : Source and i have clan:The Ne®oS™ and  ive been playing css since 2010 in wL Snipers and wL MiniGames alot of people know me.
Smile Thank You Smile
Welcome to the forums kidd pro.
Welcome to the forums
yes welcome