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Name: zeq

Division Applied For: (What game do you play) CS:S

Steam id:STEAM_0:0:53951722

Age: 22

Sex: M

Occupation: School Work Military Other (Select one, if other please specify) School

Country or State of Residence: CA

Hours of Availability: 2 hr per day

Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: No

Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: No

Previous Counterstrike Experience: Cs:1.5, 1,6.

Previous Games Played: (Recent) Starcraft 1

Previous League Experience: (Any Game) None

Computer Specs: (Optional) Mac

Favorite Weapon: (Optional) DEAGLE

Favorite Map: (Optional)

Is there anything else you wish to say? (200 words max)
Good luck zeq :o
(Jan 28 2015, 09:06 PM)Jenni Wrote: [ -> ]Good luck zeq :o