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Full Version: Night Watch Application - n0thinG^ [Denied]
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-Name in game: n0thinG^
-Steam id: STEAM_0:1:59144004
-Age: 19
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits).: DG
-Why Night Watch: I have time playing on the sniper server and i have noticed that not many are part of this group and I would like to try to be part of this group, as they are noted in each game.
-About yourself[/code]: strategist
Your application is under evaluation, goodluck.

Can you please link your forums account to your Steam account? http://war-lords.net/usercp.php?action=steam
(Feb 17 2015, 08:40 AM)n0thinG Wrote: [ -> ]Application:
-Name in game: n0thinG^
-Steam id: STEAM_0:1:59144004
-Age: 19
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits).: DG
-Why Night Watch: I have time playing on the sniper server and i have noticed that not many are part of this group and I would like to try to be part of this group, as they are noted in each game.
-About yourself[/code]: strategist

Do you have a Mic?
Going to close this out in 10 days. Please add me to your friends list on Steam before the end of next week.
If and when you consider re-applying for Night Watch, please add me to your friends list or send me a PM and we can look to re-open your application.