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Full Version: [Accepted] APPLICATION FOR HDK
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Name: Raga
Division Applied For: Counter-Strike: Source
Steam id: STEAM_0:0:15966057
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Occupation: Work (Logistics)
Country or State of Residence: Australia
Hours of Availability: 24-7 (no life)
Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: Negative
Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: Perhaps one day.
Previous Counterstrike Experience: 9 years experience.
Previous Games Played: Planetside 2, Strategy games (C&C), UT2004, racing sims.
Previous League Experience: Have been involved in many other clans in the past, although none recently.
Computer Specs: Do you really want to know?
Favorite Weapon: Scout, TMP & Deagle.
Favorite Map: cs_office
Is there anything else you wish to say?
Hey guys. After a bit of persuasion from Pudin I have decided to put my application in to join HDK.
hdk isnt for newbies, go away raga..
Haha. Riser! You haven't spoken to me in ages!
I've been away, I'll be more active soon.
Goddam Raga goodluck, though you wont need it :p
Just ignore Riser. He is in PMS. Good luck
It's ok, I know how Riser speaks - That's him being nice. Wink
[Accepted] - Add Black Blood for your invite.
Congrats Raga...
Now dont say u still new....
(Mar 08 2015, 12:05 AM)Riser Wrote: [ -> ]I've been away, I'll be more active soon.
Where did you go?
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