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Full Version: (wL) 24/7 Office - 128 Tick :: WAR-LORDS.NET
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We have created a 128 central server for office csgo !!
we're gonna be trying to populate it tonight in next few hours Smile
come in and join !
I look forward to checking it out after it comes back up.
It should be stable now.
I just tried and it is still not up.
Just started working.
real IP is connect

connect now !~ ppl joining
"crickets chirping"
(Mar 17 2015, 05:20 AM)lin3ar Wrote: [ -> ]"crickets chirping"

huh ?

the server crashed when we got 5 ppl and bison did some fixing. Haven't tested out since then. roca from elevate was playing with us on it though was fun.
edit : the crashes are real x_x
When and what time do you guys play? Whenever i go on csgo I don't see people in the server.
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