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Full Version: Pop Maps Asia and changes to Steam groups
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Bison and I decided to create a seperate group for War-Lords Asia players, this groups main purpose will be to make announcements and post updates like with the main one.

New group: War-Lords.net | SEA

Along with that, we're trying to start up a new public server in Asia and it would be amazing if you guys could help us populate it. War-Lords was started to create a cheat-free server with responsible admins and will continue to do that in CS: GO.

You can find the IPs at:

You can add this server to your favorites:

Just a reminder, we still have our US 24/7 Office over at: gooffice.war-lords.net:27015
Nice to see us slowly expanding into csgo.
wow finally .... hahahaha
Sounds nice. I should get into cs go...