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Full Version: Head Admin Abuse :<
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Riser and  Bison abusing me . They sit and monitor server until i join :< Plz admin ban them.

[Image: 2015-04-07_00002.jpg]
I'm sure they wouldn't do that to you BB. surely not...
LOL, I didn't even notice that
That couldn't have been them, must have been the easter bunny's revenge Wink
No Easter bunny. this time they aboose me . Plz Ban they chet.

[Image: 2015-04-15_00001.jpg]
Nice suicides BB
I was there
you were nading yourself >.>
waaaat, thats dirty
Na.. cant nades so many times... Max round is 40... I guess people have been cursing BB ...
Jokes on you.

It was me. I think.
Please be patient while we look into this.
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