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Beatboxer, ex CS:S player, wanting to get back into it, and musician. I get bored and I'm lookin' for people to play CS:S with again.
See you around.
Welcome to War-Lords, hope you have fun!
Hello welcome to warlords. What server do you usually play in?
Welcome to the forums.Hope you enjoy your stay.
(Apr 19 2015, 12:50 PM)KuYa Wrote: [ -> ]Hello welcome to warlords. What server do you usually play in?

I want to get into pugs but if I'm in the mood I'll be on wL's AWP only
Alright see you there , Welcome Wink
Dont worry cult. When you see Macha, you will dominate him easily.
Welcome . Also don't worry when you see me you'll just be annihilated Wink