(wL) Forums

Full Version: [Accepted]now that i play alot...
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Name: Rob

Division Applied For: CSS/CSGO

Steam id: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Plattyform

Age: 20

Sex: M

Occupation: School and Work

Country or State of Residence: Illinois

Hours of Availability: 5-8 hours a day

Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: No

Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: Not anytime soon

Previous Counterstrike Experience: Bunch of CSS

Previous Games Played: CSGO/League

Previous League Experience:

Computer Specs: Med-High End

Favorite Weapon: P90, AWP

Favorite Map: De_Season(CSS) De_Nuke(CSGO)
This man is a legend and deserves a spot in this elite clan called HDK.