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Full Version: Application for Night Watch
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IGN : 360°
Steam ID : 
Age : 18
Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits). No.
Why Night Watch : Because it is a skilled clan in wich I would love to take part to improve my gaming experience in Counter Strike-Source
About yourself[/code] : I love counter strike, I am a good aimer, practice a lot on deathmatch and love playing pug and or casual dust2 or office. Been playing counter strike for almost 2 years. Favourtie weapons : ak47, m4a1, awp,  famas and any pistols. I can play any roles.

Have a good day.
Please refer to the application guidelines https://war-lords.net/thread-7601.html. Thank you.
Ok no problem Smile
Ok i have updated my application.