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Full Version: Application for Night Watch[Denied]
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-Name in Game : SkoLeRâ„¢
-Steam ID : U:1:19223418
-Age : 18
-Steam Groups your'in(if any,no benefits) : No.
-Why Night Watch : Because it is a skilled clan in wich i would love to take part to improve my gaming experience in COunter Strike-Source.
-About yourself : I love CSS, I am a good aimer, practce a lot on deathmatch and love playing pug or casual dust2 or office. I have been playing CSS for almost 2 years. 
Favourite weapon : ak47,m4,awp,famas and any pistols. I can play any roles.
When will i know if I am in the clan?
When they tell you you are accepted
Haha ok thanks man!
(Dec 17 2015, 01:11 PM)OveR Wrote: [ -> ]Haha ok thanks man!
Have patience, I waited for almost a month Smile
Good Luck
Haha ok i will thanks Smile
Good-Luck bro
Thanks bro
This is not a place for flaming. Please do not engage the troll.
Hello when will i know if im accepted? :/
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