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-Name in game: Orangehas
-Steam id: Steamcommunity.com/id/orangehas
-Age: 14
-Steam groups: Im currently not in any team. Only some useless groups made by my friends.
-Why Night Watch: Because im not in any team and NW is a great team.
-About yourself: Im a guy who is very active in CSS and i play pug a lot. I also have a mic now.
you deserve better. join my team
You do not have the correct steam ID.
A Steam ID should look like this ---> (- STEAM_0:1:60121228)
Please redo your application
(Jan 31 2017, 02:28 AM)KuYa Wrote: [ -> ]You do not have the correct steam ID.
A Steam ID should look like this --->   (- STEAM_0:1:60121228)
Please redo your application

He already linked his Steam account, you can see his Steam ID on the right Tongue
(Jan 31 2017, 04:02 AM)Riser Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 31 2017, 02:28 AM)KuYa Wrote: [ -> ]You do not have the correct steam ID.
A Steam ID should look like this --->   (- STEAM_0:1:60121228)
Please redo your application

He already linked his Steam account, you can see his Steam ID on the right Tongue

WOW..... You dont respond to me when i message you on steam. But you humiliate me here on the forums. I see how it is ass.
How's your sister mofo?