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Where are the answers to these amazing questions being asked by valuable members of the community?
(Dec 16 2016, 06:24 PM)Vorpal Wrote: [ -> ]Where are the answers to these amazing questions being asked by valuable members of the community?

I will answer yours first. I was finishing up my finals and studying for classes I never attended required my full and undivided attention. I am finally finished and will proceed with answering all of your valuable questions with the valuable answers that are needed.
(Dec 15 2016, 08:45 AM)M. Bison Wrote: [ -> ]What team were you on in 09?

I was not directly associated with one team, but I was considered a valuable substitute for teams that required stand-ins. Despite my age at the time (14), I was still considered a sub in for any emergencies for team VeryGames for two tournaments (DH Winter 09, and Lan79 '09) I was more in contact with the team rather than management through ESEA where I played using a friends account, forgot it, I will be asking about it soon. Apart from that I was also talking to Reason Gaming about going to the i series tournament in 09 I forget what number, might be 36 or 37, since I googled i series and 33 came up on 08. Either way I played well enough to be seriously considered as an official sub, I played a couple scrims with them as well and did relatively well. After 09 I stopped playing the game since my grades in school were dropping and I preferred being a massive nerd.
(Dec 15 2016, 08:48 AM)calisnipe Wrote: [ -> ]what's your physical address?

Since you are using the word physical as an adjective to the noun address, I will assume you are talking about the piece of paper that I have in front of me with my address written on it. Even if I assume this, the adjective is throwing me off.
(Dec 15 2016, 08:58 AM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ]Can you uninstall source and never come back as soon you see this post ?

I can, but wont.
(Dec 15 2016, 10:25 AM)QueenCrazy Wrote: [ -> ]What made you decide to be such a troll?

This is assuming I am trolling, which I am not, so your question is irrelevant.
(Dec 15 2016, 11:14 AM)ryz Wrote: [ -> ]Will you be my gf?

(Dec 15 2016, 11:53 AM)Juniorc4 Wrote: [ -> ]Why are you delaying on installing maplestory, smh prob not even lvl 230

I am delaying because I had to focus on finishing up my finals well. Like I said before, I might not even be 230, I said I was around 230.
(Dec 15 2016, 01:24 PM)Dragon Wrote: [ -> ]Support me in Dota 2.Thanks!!!!!!!

I'll support you anytime I am available, add me on steam. I play a mean support, DS, SK, CM, WD all those and some more.
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