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cute voice riser
50% of my kills is bison 10/10.
chets!!!! reported

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Bison ez, everytime I need to bring up my ADR is just wait until bison gets into a server and I follow.
Bison you were my role model, but i guess Sal is now <3
pls ban ghosting
Poor Riser.
(Dec 18 2016, 09:12 PM)ryz Wrote: [ -> ]Bison you were my role model, but i guess Sal is now <3

hi im sal, lets get married
(Dec 19 2016, 08:45 PM)Riser Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 18 2016, 09:12 PM)ryz Wrote: [ -> ]Bison you were my role model, but i guess Sal is now <3

hi im sal, lets get married

sure sal bby <3